Guest Editors: Tony D. Sampson and Jernej Markelj
Vol. 4 | No. 1 | 2023

ISSN 2691-1566



The Perilous Potential of the Blur: Digital Cultures Within Zones of Indistinction
Tony D. Sampson and Jernej Markelj


Ambiguity and Affect in Digital Culture: An Interview with Susanna Paasonen
Jernej Markelj and Claudio Celis Bueno

Calypso Cave #itsatrap: Instagram vs Reality
Christopher John Müller and Stefan Karrer (Practice-based Study)

WHO WE ARE: The Blurring of Gendered Subjectivities in 21st-Century British Military Promotion
Kirsten A. Adkins

The Conspiritualist
Marc Tuters (Practice-based Study)

The New Virtuality: A Creative Website on Blurred Boundaries Between the Real and Unreal
Jenna Ng and Oliver Tomkins (Practice-based Study)

Hashtagging, Duetting, Sound-linking: TikTok Gestures and Methods of (In)distinction
Elena Pilipets

Blurriness in Media Art Archiving: Where Theory Encounters Practice, the Archive of Digital Art (ADA)
Alexander Wöran, Laura Ettel and Isabella Iskra

Invasive Media: The Making of A Gregarious Species
Natasha Raheja (Practice-based Study)

Cover design: Mani Mehrvarz
Cover image: Janez Plešnar
Copyediting: Callie Ingram

Acknowledgment: MAST wishes to thank all the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of the manuscripts and their many insightful comments and suggestions.